Happy Friday the 13th Everyone! Oh wait…is this
day happy?
I mean, growing up, I was led to believe that any day that
the 13th of the month fell on a Friday, bad luck will happen. And
the weird thing was that tons of people have claimed that this day was bad luck
for them. So naturally, as a child, I was weary of this day and all the
terrible things that might happen to me.
It’s interesting how we give power to certain things to
control our lives.
For example, have you ever just listened avoided a song
because it brings out uncomfortable emotions within you? We give the song an
uncomfortable power that forces us to avoid it and everything connected to it.
It’s the same with Friday the 13th. We perceive this
day as a bad omen. A day when terrible things will happen to us.
But is it the day that causes bad things to happen?....or is it ourselves?
I have come to learn that the most powerful thing we possess
is our minds. Our minds have the power to be our greatest ally. Or sometimes, our minds have the power to be our greatest enemy. It's within our minds that we see and experience the world in either the light or the darkness. And through the power of our minds, we are able to alter the reality that we perceive to be truth.
We can see a man and a woman crying in church and our minds
can perceive different scenarios.
Perhaps they are crying because they have finally been
accepted in the church? Or perhaps they are crying because the message from the
Pastor was hurtful to them?
We can choose to see the negative side of things or the
positive side of things.
I believe that too many people choose to perceive that
Friday the 13th is a day of negativity. They choose to believe that
bad things will happen to them and as a result, bad things occur.
For the past several years, I have perceived Friday the 13th
as a positive day. A day that good things can happen. And you know what, I have
had no bad lucks on the past Friday the 13ths in many years. I may
not have had miracles or amazing life changes on these days. But they were
still positive days and I am thankful for that.
So how can we make the change to see the world from a
negative light and see it in a more colorful light?
It’s very easy in the morning to wake up and first thing we
say is, “Today is going to suck”. But how do we know the day is going to suck?
I don’t believe that anyone truly sees the future. We can
guess and we can have assumptions that are close, but we can truly never know
what the future has in store for us.
The future has surprised me on more than one occasion and it’s
through these surprises that I know that I can truly never know the future.
So how do I know its going to be a bad day? I don’t.
How do I know its going to be a good day? I don’t.
The definitions of good and bad are not as cut and dry as we
were led to believe.
For example, a woman worked all day in a high stress job.
She’s been on her feet for several hours and she hasn’t had a chance to take a
break. She gets home at the end of the day and comes home to a loving spouse
and a maybe a child or a pet.
Was this a good day or a bad day?
You can say it was bad because of the stress from her job.
Or you can say it was good because in the end, she came home to be with the
people she loved.
In all honestly, its really not up to us to determine the
quality of another person’s day. The only person who can do that is the person
living through the experience of the day.
However, it is my hope that for all of us who choose to see
and experience the negative sides of our days, we can make the decision to see
the day in a more positive light.
You’d be surprised just how much your day will be better
once you step out of the shadows.
Things wont’ become easier, but there is a good chance you
will be happier.
As a wonderful Minister and a positive role model always
says, “It’s the Best Day Ever!” (Rev. Allison Lanza).
So Happy Friday the 13th Everyone! May it be “the
Best Day Ever!” and may you be fully embrace your Ruah while celebrating the
positive energy that is all around us!